What is an Opportunity? An opportunity is a moment in time that presents itself to enrich you. The moment can last briefly, coming and going quickly, or linger whispering tirelessly, reminding you of its presence. We’ve all encountered opportunity, sometimes accepting what it offered, other times allowing it to escape us. How often has opportunity boldly stared you in the face without your acknowledgment? How many times have you felt its presence and believed what it came to offer, but you made no space for it to rest in your life?We fear opportunity and give it no acceptance, no urgency, no warm heart to accommodate it. We give it no attention, no importance, no energetic purpose and vision to fuel it.
Although we may deny opportunity, attention and space in our lives, we still lust for its appearance, we are shocked at its arrival and lament when it departs. Deep down, we do want to take advantage of opportunity, we know we must change, and we know we need transformation. We do want it, but only the kind that won’t push us too far out our comfort zones. Yes, we are all for opportunity and enrichment if it comes in easy-to-open packaging and it’s not disruptive to what you’re being distracted by. That social media profile that Netflix show, your web surfing, your overeating, overdrinking, over-relaxing, over-bullshitting, and underachieving.
We need to remember opportunity comes to offer the possibility of change. When I say change, I mean newness. I’m talking about that which has not been experienced, an acquaintance with the power of possibility. If you have been stuck in the same place mentally and spiritually, you are a physical manifestation of missed opportunities. You are an example of what happens when we deny ourselves exposure to the beauty of transformation. Our hope, our promise, and our growth are discovered through the opportunities that visit us and those we create for ourselves.
“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” - Abraham Maslow
An opportunity is communication from God. It is a cosmic conversation taking place, offering you freedom from bondage, solace from hell, and a path to be a greater version of yourself. Feeling stuck spiritually or like you’re far from God can be a sign to look for new opportunities to connect to your true self, leading to a deeper connection to God. We exist to grow, advance, explore, and be changed by these experiences. Take advantage of opportunities for personal growth by overcoming fear and trauma. Take advantage of opportunities for spiritual fulfillment by picking up a new, unfamiliar spiritual practice or exploring different theological perspectives.
Recognizing opportunities is based on your perspective. Being stuck in traffic can be a chance to practice patience. A long wait in a line can become an opportunity to breathe deeply and re-center. Time spent in public spaces can be used to radiate positivity and uplift others. Shifting your mindset from seeing obstacles to seeing opportunities is a powerful transformation. Growth happens when we stop resisting change and start embracing the moments that challenge us.
What this means for you is different than what it means for another person. We all have our unique journey to travel. We all have our purpose to live out and make real. We all have opportunities that visit our space so we may enrich ourselves. Saying no to these opportunities is saying no to an enriched version of yourself. Open yourself up, embrace the possibilities, get comfortable with the uncomfortable, and get curious about what you’ve been missing.
Keep your eyes, ears, spirit, and soul on alert for opportunities. Take advantage of as many as you can and create as many as possible. When you create them, you’re creating them for others as well. This week, challenge yourself to identify opportunities for personal growth and take action on it. Whether it’s stepping into a new experience, having a meaningful conversation, or overcoming a fear, seize the moment. The more you welcome opportunity, the more you will be enriched.